Older Ultimate cannot connect to Bluetooth


I read a lot that BT doesn’t work well or at all if one doesn’t use the official Makeblock BT device. is this true?

We have a robotics club and have four Ultimate kits that were purchased in 2016. So that may be a different controller than the current ones.

I was able to connect via USB and upload a program. but not via BT. I tried PCs and Chromebooks - no dice. The phone app (that also uses BT) works. it has the BT module.

Is there a way to find out if our old controller just don’t use modern BT?


Hi @Lurking

I am guessing that in 2016 these were probably Ultimate 1.0 Kits which utilised the Orion board whilst the later Ultimate 2.0 kit was totally revamped with the MegaPi board (& integral Bluetooth).

For the Orion board you need an RJ25 Port connected Bluetooth module:
N.B. It is not possible to upload a programme over Bluetooth.


Thanks for responding.
Yes, that is the BT module we have. and BT works when i use the phone app. but that is just like a remote control, not for actually coding.

I don’t like the fact BT can’t be used to upload a program. but now i at least can stop wasting time trying to make it work :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot


Hi @Lurking

Have you seen the stuff I wrote on using Excel to communicate with any suitable code uploaded into your mainboard? - see:

This technique might be useful for your robotics club to experiment with.