I’m trying to get started here with this mBot thing with my daughter, but I keep running into stumbling blocks. It seems there are steps and concepts that I’m missing. Is there some source of tutorials that explains things starting at the beginning? For example I have no idea what a sprite is, or what function it serves. I don’t get why the mBot needs to be re-set to factory settings every time after you upload a new program. Can someone help me please? Where do I start?
New to mBlock and mBot
@Jon-Uma There are some tutorials, but a lot of them are device specific. @CommandeR knows has a lot of good resources, though, and always feel free to ask on the forum!
Here is help for the mBot:
For mBlock:
And feel free to ask me if you need anything!
Hi @Jon-Uma Click on your own name (icon) at the top of your Forum Page and select the Messages (envelope) icon and you can then send me (@CommandeR) a private message. No one else on the Forum will be able to see this - send me your own email address in your message & I’ll send you by return a.pdf file of my first book ‘mBot and Me’ which used to be available in Makeblock Education but is (for some unknown reason) no longer downloadable. You should find that this helps a lot with the concepts of getting started with mBlock etc.
Hello @CommandeR . I am trying to send you a message but unable to. Can I get a copy of your book. Do you mind sending me a message and i will respond with my email address.
My son is very interested in the mbot and has progressed from the makerzoid and lego boost all by himself so is quite self motivated, if he has material to read and practice.
I’ve trawled online but there doesn’t seem to be any recent book that a child can pick up and run through projects himself to get started on the mbot.
In addition to your book, can you point me to any other books I could buy, else the mbot2 will be a dead weight for him.
@Santetla - Good, I hope that it helps you & your son.
@Jon-Uma - Why didn’t you do this after asking for our help?
Hi @CommandeR i am also having issues with my new mbot i’m trying work on with my 8 year old son (it won’t upload the commands back to the mbot). Can you please send me a copy of your book as well? Thank you!!
Hi @andre_m
OK, happy to do that - as described above, send me (@CommandeR) a private message with your email address & I’ll send you the file.
Thanks for the quick response @CommandeR. For some reason i’m not able to send private messages. I clicked on my initial at the top right then on the envelope and i can see messages, but I don’t see any where to send a new message.
Can you send me a private message and I’ll reply to that?
Thanks again!
@CommandeR, @andre_m, @Jon-Uma, and @Santetla, you don’t private message someone from the top right menu, you view your private messages there. To private message somebody, click on their name and then click ‘Message’ like this:
Awesome! Also, @CommandeR, I sadly got very busy with other things and wasn’t able to finish the mBlock site for you. I’ll try to work on it later this month, but I’ve got a few projects with deadlines to attend to.
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