Neruon Buzzer module with mBlock



I made a song with buzzer using Neuron App. Neuron App have buzzer block. I wanted to try a song with mBlock but I did not find any block about buzzer on mBlock(v4.0.4).

How can i use buzzer block with mBlock? (When I turn Neuron to mBot, I can see buzzer block).



I confirm myself too. There is no instruction in the MakeBlock version mBlock 4.0.4.
Mr. Tec_Support will certainly advise MakeBlock of this forgetfulness.
We will have maybe a version 4.0.5 at the beginning of the year ???

For now, we will have to use the tablet app :tired_face:


Hi gungorhilal, Crackel

The mBlock 4.x are experimental version. It won’t add the buzzer block.
Please wait for our official version mBlock base on scratch 3.0, it will support Neuron and there is plan to add buzzer block.


Hi tec_support, @Crackel

Okay. we are waiting scratch 3.0. Thank you for your answer :blush:
