I’d like to make some changes to the pen up/down behavior of the mSpider (basically, slow it down). Can anyone provide a little guidance on how to open and edit the firmware that’s sent to the mSpider??? Thanks!
mSpider firmware editing
Thanks, that link helped. I’m working with mDraw/mSpider and my screen looks like this when I attempt to draw the example circle:
How do I get all of the image to show on the screen?
I don’t want to shrink the image, I want all of it to show in the window. Is the AB-O distance measured to where the pen starts (Home) or the total vertical drawing distance?
I think I’ve found an answer to my own question. It appears that I can change scale value and get the entire image on the screen. I just have to account for the scaling when I choose the size of the image I’m drawing.
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