MS-12A Smart Servo - Arduino, pin assignment



Im trying to use MS-12A smart servo with arduino uno. First times, i used
#include <MSmartServo.h>
library for that. But RGB led and Brake functions are working, move functions dont working.
İ solved this problem with this Topic:

Now i have new problem,

İ need to use serial pins(Uno Digital Pins 0,1) for other communication device. How can i change MS-12A serial pins like 6-7 or 8-9 etc. ?

For Example;

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <MeSmartServo.h>
#include <MeOrion.h>

MeSmartServo mysmartservo(PORT5); //UART2 is on port 5


const uint8_t rx_pin = 6;
const uint8_t tx_pin = 7;
MSmartServo mysmartservo(rx_pin,tx_pin);


Ardunio Uno only has 1 hardware serail so you will need to use software serial if you want a second serial


Thx for answer.

Yes, i need software serial. But i dont know, how can i do.

Old MSmartServo library using this format;

const uint8_t rx_pin = 6;
const uint8_t tx_pin = 7;
MSmartServo mysmartservo(rx_pin,tx_pin); //software serial

but only rgb led and brake system are working, motor not turning. if i use software serial.


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