Motor connector for Auriga board


I have the Starter Kit and I just got the Auriga board to upgrade it. I noticed that the connector for the motors on the Orion is different than the Auriga, Can the orange screw connectors work with the Auriga or is there another connector or cables I need to get to make the starter motors work with it?

If the motors in the starter kit aren’t compatible is the Optical Encoder Motor-25 which appears to use the required connector compatible with the Auriga board and Starter Kit mounting hardware?


I’ll answer my own post in case it is helpful to someone else. The connectors for the Auriga are for encoder motors only. I did research and did find the Motor-25 will work but I found that the ME Dual Motor board will enable me to use the motors in the Starter Kit. You will also need 2 RJ25 cables to go with it. Oddly enough it is not available directly through Makeblock. Being in the US I ordered the ME Dual Motor board and cables from the Robot Shop which has a much better selection than MakeBlock of Makeblock items.


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