Me Line Follower - reaction time



How much time does it take for the line follower sensors to update the change from white to black or black to white to the mecore board ? I mean to ask, what is the reaction time of the sensors ?




As fast as the program can read it is the short answer. :slight_smile:

I haven’t measured the sampling rate, but I would suspect that it is likely in the millisecond range.

The bigger constraint is how quickly your program can read the sensor and react. If you are doing a lot of things in between each read of the sensor then the reaction time will be higher because the Makeblock boards are either based on the Atmel AT328P or the Atmel AT2560 microcontrollers which are single-tasking processors.

Best regards,



It will be really helpful to know the sampling rate as I am dealing with timing in terms of milliseconds. As I want to make the line follower fast and robust, the sampling rate information will be needed.



I’d suggest that you ask @tech_support if that data is available because it will be specific to the parts / firmware they use. However, “fast and robust” will still depend on how much work you are doing between samples. :slight_smile:


it is less than 1ms,


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