Me Auriga hardware serial communication port


What can I really connect to the Me Auriga hardware serial communication port (port 5)?

Has someone already tried any hardware connection with Me Auriga?
I found no information about compatibility.


Serial Communication Between Me Auriga and Arduino Nano

Auriga is a special (modified) Arduino Mega board - according to specifications.
There are two connectors for Port5. The other is under the LED panel in the “SERVO” (white 4 pin connector).
I’ve tried to connect an other Arduino board, but anything can be connected which is using serial communication to Port 5. If you are using the arduino IDE for programming, you should reach it as Serial2.
There are two other Serial ports Serial3 is in the “extension header 4” section, Serial1 pins are used as the motor driver EncoderA signals.

So you can connect anything (Sensor or other board / module) with Serial communication to Port5.
Additionally you can connect also stuff with SPI communication using pins near Port 4 - below the LED panel.
