Mbot will not connect to my tablet


Hello all,
My mbot won’t connect to my robot I have tried the controlling software called makeblock. I have also tried mblock both software’s will not connect to my mbot
What shall I do?
Thank you scoobs


hey Am facing the same problem. Hope anyone here can help me too. Thanks in advance.
viamichelin putlocker


Do you have a mBot with Bluetooth (just to be sure)?

Which tablet do you have? It has to support never versions of Bluetooth. For example older iPads (iPad 2 and older) do not work.


No i have a Lenovo tablet


Yes I am sure I have used it before but it is not working now


Can you try to pair the mBot to the tablet manually in the Bluetooth settings?


Hi Jasonsmith & Scoobs,
I did send you an email for troubleshooting Bluetooth connection issue, please have a reference. For any question, please email me back.


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