mBot turns 180 degrees instead of 90


Here is my code:

I’m not sure what is wrong with it. The turn right function works properly, but turning left makes the robot turn 180 degrees instead of 90.
I’m using a mBot and the makeblock Me 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor V1.2
Variables gyro_z_offset is defined to be the current angle of the robot at the start of the program and ideal angle is set to 0 (also at the start)


@Best_codes? Do you have anything? I can’t see anything wrong.


Something you need to check:
When spinning to the right and left, does the z axis value always increase in both directions from the center, or does it decrease in one direction and increase in the other?


I m new to mbot and to programming I bought it for mi son and we are experimenting with blockly app we understand the very basics but we are having a lot of trouble with more complex coding. Do you have any suggestions on where get help, most are focused now on mbot neo


Asking here on the forum is a great resource. :smile:
You can create posts with any questions you have and get support from the community.


Did you get my file?


@mbotmom Or you could send us a DM by clicking on one of our profile pictures.


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