Mbot to open container door


Hi - new to the mbot. My kids and i have the basic mobot and servo add-ons. We are thinking of creating a auto-feeder for our cat. The idea using ultrasonic sensor to detect when dish is gone (from above), then the servo or similar to slide open a container door for 1-2 second to let food in. Anyone have an idea of type of container to use for such an application? I figure i’ll need to modify a coffee can or someething like that. thank you!


Hi j_kraut,

I had made a machine to feed my fish but not my cat because it was very reasonable.
You have to think about different things:

  1. Is your cat reasonable because otherwise he will activate the door at any time.
    So, a machine that activates according to the cat’s mood or according to a schedule?
  2. Do you have wet or dry food?
  3. You wish to use which element of the mBot: 2 motors, 1 servo motor, an ultrasonic, etc.

2 types of machine that I saw in pet stores:

  1. The food chute (more complex because poorly made mechanisms can get stuck)
  2. The compartments (it’s flat and one compartment is accessible … it’s easier).

What do we start with ???


I was thinking utlrasonic to detect when empty, and servo motor to open door. use a container like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00013K8O4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1


Hi j_kraut,

Great as picture. Personally, at $ 14, I will simply order this machine because it will cost you more in material and it will not go as well. However, it seems to have some shipping costs; (

Remove the joystick and secure the mBot wheel motor. Do you code a rotation of one or half a second? Then it’s time or chat activated. If activity by the cat, a delay must be added so that the cat cannot make two requests too close together.


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