MBot Ranger OnBoard Gyro Not Working


Hello, I am using an Arduino to get the values of my on board gyro, the code I have used is the example code from the mbot library, when I upload the code, the x, y and z values are all 0.
The code is below:

#include “MeAuriga.h”
#include <Wire.h>

MeGyro gyro;
void setup()

void loop()
Serial.print(gyro.getAngleX() );
Serial.print(" Y:");
Serial.print(gyro.getAngleY() );
Serial.print(" Z:");
Serial.println(gyro.getAngleZ() );


“Megyro gyro” part,
You should change it to “Megyro gyro (0,0x69);”. ("Is not related to text.)


@dai5_jp Thank you so much, it works now


@dai5_jp would you know how to control the two dc motors from the mbot ranger with arduino? i have tried using the test code but, nothing happens.


Would you please upload your test code here?


#include “MeAuriga.h”

MeDCMotor motor1(M1);

MeDCMotor motor2(M2);

uint8_t motorSpeed = 100;

void setup()

void loop()
motor1.run(motorSpeed); /* value: between -255 and 255. /
motor2.run(motorSpeed); /
value: between -255 and 255. */



Would you please put a photo of the motor?


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