mBot pin mapping


Not sure if it was posted already, but these are the pins I identified for the mBot, as compared to an Arduino UNO:

A0 RJ25 plug 4 (default not-connected)
A1 RJ25 plug 4 (default not-connected)
A2 RJ25 plug 3 ultrasonic
A3 RJ25 plug 3 ultrasonic
A6 light sensor
A7 button
D4 DIR2 - direction motor2
D5 PWM2 - pwm motor2
D6 PWM1 - pwn motor1
D7 DIR1 - direction motor1
D8 buzzer
D9 RJ25 plug 2 linefollower
D10 RJ25 plug 2 linefollower
D11 RJ25 plug 1 (default not-connected)
D12 RJ25 plug 1 (default not-connected)
D13 2 WS2812 RGB leds

To what pins are RGB LEDs attached?

Hi there,
Well done on determining the connectivity.

I also wanted to know the resources and actually located a link to GitHub in another forum post:

This may not match your hardware - for example it refers to a P6/12 pin header that my mCore does not have (nor unpopulated either).

Unfortunately there is no versioning on either the schematic or the PCB, nor the GitHub repository so we are a little in the dark in this regards.



The pin mapping is actually printed on the back of the mbot board.


is it possiable to use D11 or D12 by other normal wires solder them into the board
