Mbot does not connect via bluetooth flashdrive


I have a class set and I can get about 75% of the mbots to connect to the computer wirelessly using the bluetooth flashdrive adaptor. However, the other 25% I cannot seem to get them to connect to the computers wirelessly.

I have updated them both factory and online while being hardwired into the computer and then when I switch to wireless it says connected but they do not move. It prompts for another update and this cycle just continues.

I have also noticed that the mbots that do not move when connected wirelessly do not make the connected sound, not sure if that helps.

Please help!


Hi Lori

Quite often a bluetooth dongle won’t connect a PC to mBot because of something else (eg a printer) being connected to the PC’s USB ports. You may find that downloading my book ‘mBot&Me - vol I’ from Makeblock Education may help (it’s a free download too). Pages 24 to 27 discuss dealing with this issue. You can find the .pdf file at:





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