mBot & DC motors


Hello. I want to know how we can install more DC motors on mBot besides two default that carrying the wheels?


@oSanj As far as I know, the best and easiest way to do so is to buy more motors and a motor driver sensor. Is that an option?


So, let’s imagine that I want to assemble an mBot so that it can drive, and at the same time install two additional motors on it so that there are fans on top. I have motors (a lot). But how do I connect them to the board, that is the question! We are talking about mBot robot, NOT mBot-Neo.


I haven’t tried this, but you might be able to utilise an RJ25 connectable Me Dual DC Motor Driver module - however, as you can see these need a RED RJ25 connection (& mCore is the only board that does not have any of these). A RED label indicates an output voltage of 6-12v DC, which allows the RJ25 connection of either an Me Motor Driver, an Me Servo Driver or an Me Stepper Driver. See below:

These are the soldered connections on the underside of the module:

And here you can see that these soldered connections have connectable pinouts on either side of the orange clip connectors.


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