Mbot bluetooth connection



I am trying to connect my my mbot device to my windows 10 PC using a generic BT 4.0 Dongle.

The device is dicovered by the Mblock software (also web app) and it the SW claims, the connection is established.

However, if I try to execute some live action (e.g. moving forward for 1 seconds) by clicking the block, nothing happens …

would be great if someone could shed some light on this.

best regards


Online firmware uploaded to mBot? Without that it won’t work


yes, online firmware (6.1.107) loaded …

actually this also breaks the IR functionality … not sure whether this is expected …

however USB Live mode works, but BT doesn’t

are source still available here:

appears quite outdated …


Just tested using Makeblock’s official “bluetooth dongle” and it works fine for me,but that one actually shows up as a COM port like you connected the robot via USB so it’s probabbly a lot different than yours
Maybe it is something specific to your BT dongle? @tech_support any ideas?


You show the USB dialog, not bluetooth.

And to be honest, if the device cannot connect using a generic BT dongle … Makeblock should not call it bluetooth … but something like “our propriatory interface, for which you need to buy our dongle”


Yea,mine shows up as USB,nothing to see at the Bluetooth tab


Hi blamann,
I sent you a message, please have a try.


I have the same Problem. I’m using the V1.1 Version with the Bluetooth built in tough. With a Smartphone/tablet the Connection works fine.

I’d be interested in the message.


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