Just got the mbot2 two weeks ago. While playin with it, coding all kinds of things, noticing this issue:
After extended usage, the ultrasonic begins to stop reading distance properly, and starts returning 300.
Extended usage means 10 - 30mins.
I have code that is displaying the sensor reading live on the cyberpi display with each pass. I can see where the distance is reporting properly, then begins to intermittently return 300 every so often, and then a few mins later it just stays pegged at 300 and stops working - it will have no reaction to putting your hand in front of it etc. When this happens, if i stop the program, disconnect the ultrasonic cable and reconnect, it comes back to working for another extended time. But seems to come back repeatedly.
I have latest firmware 44.01.011 and using mblock v5.4.3
Any ideas?