Mary Had A Little Lamb and (18.0 KB)
We’ve tried using mBlock5 Beta 3.1 and have encountered an issue on first use. The software will just not compile. Debugging the code suggests that the IDE is inserting null statements into the code.
Open up the attached code in Beta v3.1 and try compiling it. It fails with no error message which is sad. The failure message also says, “compie error” which is misleading to a child. The error seems to pop up when using the block to make use of button on the mBot.
Can you please fix it and let us know when an update will be made available. We have purchase the product and would like to be able to use it with mBlock5 which is slight more user friendly than the previous version.
Is there a way to submit bugs? Can’t seem to find a way to do so other than this forum. Also, how do we get access to regular updates of the software? Any nightly build options available?