The connection to the device is easy (ipad). When programming I can insert a block, start. Then the tablet hangs and I have to close and reopen mblock 5. Who knows the problem? Regards Wolfgang
Mblock IOS hangs up
Hi wowagner,
Actually mBlock5 requires iOS 9.0+, so what is the version of your device?
By the way, please tell me the model of your robot and it will be better if you can take a short video to show me the issue.
Hello, attached is the ios version, my mBot and a video with mBlock and iPad on dropbox:
Greetings Wolfgang
Mblock 5.2 and Ipad pro
Hi wowagner,
Yes, it is a bug and only happened to iOS 13.4 and issue to webview of Flutter.
They are working on to fix it.