mBlock has a problem in SERVO and toggle


When i use servo and switch.
I tried to control the servo motor using the ‘toggle’ variable.
But operate normally in when one of the servo motors, servo motors of the two or more when action is not working, or do a mess.
I’ll send you a photo wirh program.
Check, we ask.



Hi Tajo27,

Could you please kindly send the program in English. You can change the language under Lanuguage Option on the top.

Besides, what is your main board? What kind of battery do you use? Please check if the battery can provide enough power to the main board to drive the servo motors.


servo_toggle_led_test.sb2 (72.1 KB)


The servo motor before the toggle to. try the test in led But motor drive not be the problem, but rather of the servo motors, of course, the toggle in a program parameter itself is not change the right place. 1 must be changed to zero from a switch to toggle is worry-using not. Toggle those variables that will use two or more, this problem.



Hi Tajo27,

Actually, I am not quite understand your problem properly.
Do you mean with only the following program, the servo works properly.

While with the two programs below run together at the same time, two servos won’t work.