I try to add a new extension to mBlock and I want to understand the multiple examples available on the internet.
However I can not find / I can not understand some items.
For instance in the mbot.s2e file I read:
{ “extensionName”: “mBot”,
“extensionPort”: 0,
“sort”:3, What types of sorts are available?
“isMakeBlockBoard”:true, what does this mean
"blockSpecs": [
[“h”,“mBot Program”,“runArduino”,{“src”:“mbot”,“inc”:"#include <MeMCore.h>\n",“def”:"",“setup”:"",“loop”:""}],
[“w”, “%m.direction at speed %d.motorvalue”,“runBot”, “run forward”, 0,
{“encode":"{d0}{s1}",“setup”:”",“inc”:"",“def”:"",“work”:“move({0},{1});\n”,“loop”:""}], what does the encode mean?
The main question I have is where I can find this information, is it documented somewhere?