mBlock crashes when executing Save Project As


I am on an iMac running the latest version of OS X (Yosemite) and I have installed the mBlock serial driver. When I attempt to use Save Project As, mBlock crashes every time. Not sure what is going on, but it triggers a crash analysis message that goes to Apple. My version of mBlock is 2.2.1.


Crashes several times on my Macbook Pro 10.10.5 with 16GB Memory, 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7, Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB. Makes the experience less than ideal for beginners. Is this happening to other users with similar computer specs?


What version of mBlock are you using? I’m on El Capitan using 3.2.2 and it crashes occasionally but not very frequently. Most likely this is due to some issue with Adobe AIR, but I haven’t confirmed that yet (haven’t had a crash in a while).


Hi chuckmcknight,

The latest mBlock is v3.3.0, you can try it:http://learn.makeblock.com/software/