mBlock Compass Board Support


I was looking at the accessories and see that you offer a compass board

Is this board compatible with mBlock? i do not see value that would represent its reading in the Robot category.

Also, I would be adding it to the mBot, is this board compatible with mBot?


@Josh, thanks for your message, in fact, we havent integrated the compass part into our library yet, but our developers are busy preparing now, the new library would come out in the near future.


I note that mblock 3 was released today - appears to have support for compass and other new sensors.


Having taken delivery of both the compass and gyro modules, I can confirm that they do indeed work with mBlock. Just make sure that you download the latest mBlock, and update the mbot firmware with it. Also, keep the gyro still during initialisation.

The compass seems to be accurate down to a degree or so and the gyro more than that. My intention is to use either or both to make the mbot travel in a straight line or in a particular compass direction.


Yes, I have the same experience, but using the gyro with the Ultimate Robot Kit. The new library 3.0 supports the gyro well and allows the robot to travel straight lines and do controlled turns. The drift is a bit annoying, of course, but that is system imminent and applies to all the “consumer-gyros”. My aim is to create an autonomous reconnaissance tank. I guess I will now purchase a compass module as well.

Cheers, Stefan


I have the same problem with 1st floor. Does MakeBlock library support compass module now?
If not, about when will the latest IDE that supports compass module be released?


@Pin_Chang_Huang,the new Arduino library has included Compass part, please also delete the old Makeblock library and install the new one,thanks!