Mblock 3 vs 5


I am new and have acquired makeblock products that are pre codey (mbot, starter, ultimate) and lots of sensors and motors and RJ25 modules.
Is there a list of what sensors and motors are supported on mblock 3 vs mblock 5.

I am trying to figure out which version to learn.

Additional optional modules in mblock 5

Thank you for your support on Makeblock.
Currently we don’t have exact list for that. All RJ25 electronic modules can be used in mBlock3 based on our boards: mcore, orion, auriga, megapi, etc. And in mBlock 5, almost RJ25 modules can be used based on mcore and auriga.
mBot-TT motor works in both mBlock 3 and 5:
Starter-25DC motor, if you connect it to auriga with dual motor driver, it can be used in mBlock 5;
Ultimate 2.0-encoder motor, if you connect it to auriga with encode motor driver, also works in mBlock 5;
Stepper motor also works in mBlock 5.
If you have more question, I’ll check and try to make a list next week.


thank you for the reply.
Yes I would like to see a list of:

  • what does not work/supported in mblock 5
  • what works in mblock 5 and NOT with mblock 3


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