Managing programs on CyberPi


Hi all. I am new here.
I am trying to begin with the new mbot 2.
Can someone of you point me to resources explaining fully how to manage programs on Cyber pi.
With “Manage” I am meaning:

1 Ending the program running on cyber pi
2. removing a program present in the list of programs visible in Cyber Pi lcd display
2 changing position in that list
3. eccetera.



Hey @Mrb, sorry for the late reply! Welcome to the forum :smiley:

  • To end the currently running program, press the Home button on the right side of the CyberPi:

  • I don’t think you can remove the default program, but you can store 8 different programs on the CyberPi (in the custom programs). To save a program in a specific spot on the list, navigate to that spot and press the triangle button to enter that list spot. Then, upload your new code and it will be saved there.

You can’t change the position of items on the list easily. Here is some more documentation that might help you: