Malware warning on Windows mBlock install


Trying to install mBlock on Windows 7, but Emsisoft security software says,

“Program is attempting to access disk sectors directly”


“Program is behaving in a similar manner to a backdoor.”

Has anyone else experienced this?


Hi RRWagner,

The mBlock will never harm your computer,You can ignore the warning of anti-virus software or you should set your computer security to a low level for first installing the mBlock software. Please do not worry about it


I appreciate the reassurance, but can you say whether mBlock installation does indeed write to disk sectors directly? Is there any other behavior that it carries out that is unusual during the install?


Hi RRWagner,

While installing the mBlock software, normally it will write to disk sectors and this is always happen when you install any other software as well. While mBlock software has gone through our testing, it will not carry unusual behavior during the installation.


Just to clarify, there is a difference between the normal operations of saving files, which of course writes to a disk, and a program writing directly to disk blocks. This latter condition is what the antivirus software was alerting. I suspect it was an error in the malware blocking software, but one never knows. Sometimes programmers will attempt to write registration numbers and other information to a storage device in a “secret location”, and this would be detected by the malware blocker.
