MakeBlock Starter Robot Kit (IR version) not showing up in mBlock 5


We just installed mBlock 5 on a PC and have the MakeBlock Starter Robot Kit but I don’t see anything labeled like that when we power on the Robot and connect it to COM3. I’d like to update the firmware and start customizing things. The items listed for hardware are… Codey, Neuron, mBot, mBot Ranger, micro bit, but none of those sound like this device??? I see tutorials for mBlock 3 but nothing for mBlock 5… is this device not supported in mBlock 5?


Yes, currently there is no plan to support starter on mBlock5.
Please try with mBlock 3.


As a hack is it possible to treat this as another board or is there really no way to program this AT ALL in mBlock5? I just bought this brand new on Amazon :frowning:


It is working with mBlock3, Makeblock App (mobile)