Makeblock mElephant printer bed leveling problems


My printer wont do the initial bed leveling sequence before printing when I use my own files from cura but will still do it for the test print that came with it.


Hello! Sorry I didn’t see your post, it was covered in a layer of span that takes me 5 minutes to scroll through. What model is your 3D printer, and what brand?


@Rosco mElephant is an old 3D printer by Makeblock.


@Best_codes I couldn’t read the first word. That’s why I asked that​:joy::joy:


@Smol When you slice a model and the slicer generates a gcode file, the bed leveling information is contained within that file. If makeblock has a printer profile on Cura for mElephant, use that, otherwise you can try the mCreate profile (but it will probably not work).
I haven’t looked at much regarding the mElephant printer in quite a while. Most of the docs are down now. If the mElephant lets you manually level the bed (using the paper bed leveling method), you may have to do that.


@Best_codes Why is Makeblock taking town most of their help documentation? It doesn’t show up with the mbot ranger anymore…


@Rosco makeblock isn’t taking down the documentation on purpose, they just aren’t maintaining the websites that their documentation is on, and the domains expire or break. That’s why it’s a good idea to save makeblock docs on Internet Archive to keep them safe! :smiley:


The info I originally provided is incorrect, this post will not serve as anything.


@Rosco where did you get this information from?


Is it incorrect?


I don’t think mElephant has a touch screen…


I need to do some more digging, Hold on.