Make rbg stripe work with sound sensor?


Pls help me the code for sound sensor work with rgb stripe look like in this video?


Cool video! I’m guessing you could not do this with mBlock as I see no way of addressing each LED individually with the scratch LED block. I’m hoping each module will eventually be controllable from mBlock so my kids can play with them.


I was playing around last night and modified one of the RGB examples to work with the sound sensor. This is using the 15 LED strip:

#include "Makeblock.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>

MeRGBLed led(PORT_3,SLOT1);
MeSoundSensor mySound(PORT6);

void setup()
  // set the led quantity.
  //clear LEDS
  for(int z = 1; z <= 15; z++){
int lastNum = 0;
int getSound = 0;

void loop()
  getSound = mySound.strength() / 50;
void indicators(int count,byte r,byte g,byte b){
  byte inSpeed = 10;
  if(lastNum <= count){
      for(int x = lastNum; x <= count; ++x){
      for(int x = lastNum; x > count; --x){
    lastNum = count; 


As I know currently there is way to control each LEDs on the Strip with “set led” block. can you translate it with mblock?


Hi Trapasis,

Nice to meet you. I have tried to make Scratch code with your arduino code, but it does not work. Could you kindly help me or share your thinking? I`ve linked my post here where I am discussing with another guy for this issue.


where I am talking!


@Hoang_Phat this is mBlock project for ledstrip color loop.
colorloop.sb2 (74.7 KB)


I converted my code to mBlock based on some information from the Makeblock folks. Here is the screen shot of the code:

However it looks like the other thread has some better examples. The key to making it work is to always plug the light strip into slot 2 of the RJ25 adapter. Slot 1 will not work. BTW I am also using the 7-segment display to show the sound value but you don’t need that. Good Luck!


Thanks!. It looks like mblock(Scratch) does not support global variable in “Make a block”.
