Hello, It seems my line follower sensor fails to work when placed on a table with the line, but when I suspend it in the air about 1", it works. Has anyone else had the same issue? Do I need to rebuild the line sensor location and move it up the bot?
Line follower sensor calibration?
A vertical gap is required so that the sensors can see the difference in reflected light. If the sensors are flat on the table, they will only see darkness.
The sensor is currently mounted according to instructions at about 1/2" above the table. To function properly it appears to be working better at 1 1/2" above the table - which is not the mounting height the instructions provide.
Wow, not sure what to tell you then. The ones of the various mBots I have (I teach classes and have several) don’t have that behavior. I would suggest that you raise the issue with @tec_support.
Hi MrRodgers,
May I know in which instruction it asks to mouth the line follower at 1/2 above the table.
Besides, the detecting range for the Me line follwer is 1~2cm, make sure the distance between the map and light sensor in the range of 1~2cm.
Do you use the mBot or Ranger robot, normally, there is no issue for line follower when mount it to this robot according to the user manual, you may take a picture or video to show how you mount and which program you tested.