Limit switch on xy



would it be possible to have good pictures for cable connection for limit switchs
cause here only limit switchs 1 and 3 are working

need white cable position, black cable on position

thx for help



See my post just below yours…

Photo and sketches with pinouts for Orion limits switches and pen servo

As to whether this will work with your software is in the hands of the gods…


thx giovanni
i think i saw before
but on your image i can t see for each limit switchs
where the black part of cable is connected and where the white part of cable is connected
(there is 3 possibilities of connection on each limit switch)

concerning software, i m not a specialist so i can t use it



at this day i use only software given by makeblock for xy, i can t write by myself


Sorry I misunderstood. Comes from not reading posts with attention. I’ll post some photos later today, when I’m back in the room with the plotter…


Here is what works for me. I have no idea if your MakeBlock software will work with these connections. As far as I can tell you need to connect the wires to the correct metal plates of the microswitches, but black or white does not matter. I [i]think[i/] the only thing the microswitch does is close the circuit, so it does not have a polarity.


big thx giovanni
i see all well now

yes my question was concerning the existense of polarity ? … i will try soon because i broken one and ordered a new one

i m doing my first tests now :slight_smile:

i use mdraw for first tests ? any other advice ?
my purpose is only drawings with pencils



Good luck. I have never been able to get that to run on my old XP which I’m using for this work.


i m under windows 7
i downloaded all sofware package in one step 4 days ago
i installed drivers for arduino
i installed arduino software
i uploaded arduino firmware with arduino software
i use mdraw … all seems to work fine
simple but close to all i need
i prepare well svg files before

so you use benbox ?



After hours wasted on all the MakeBlock software, I’m making my own software in order to learn how to control stepper motors and servos.


so have a good luck … a lot of work i suppose

you have the source from mdraw in C ?
maybe good to start from this step and ameliorate it
no ?

As i said before
under w7 mdraw seems to work fine
but better can be always done :slight_smile:



I’m not sure in which language mdraw was written.

Since I’m no expert in steppers and servos the rewrite will educate me…!


it seems C

they said mdraw works for w7 …


From that link it looks like xybot (firmware) is written in the normal Arduino C/C++ language, but mdraw.exe is written in python…then compiled in some way.

Adrian has just told me that mdraw.exe does not work on 32 bit systems.


The early releases of mDraw did work on 32-bit systems, the first three releases, I believe, because I was running them on my Windows 32-bit laptop under XP. It is only the very latest release that doesn’t. From what I saw on github in the commit comments the latest release was to do with builds for the Mac, so you could go back to an earlier release, say the one last September, without any great loss. I think it is best to view the latest github release very much as a beta, and we’re the beta-testers :slight_smile:


In the latest mDraw, under Distributions folder, “mDraw V1.1 for Windows” works for 32-bit systems
