Has anyone discovered if the Lego sensors can be used with the Orion Board or mBoard?
i.e. can the MakeBlock brain interpret signals from the Lego EV3 and/or NXT sensor.
Van you use Lego motors with the mBoard or OrionBoards?
Lego EV3 and NXT compatibility?
Hi, i have no experience to this, but I heard, there ist a special I2C communication in the Lego sensors and it will be hard to develop software to connect these sensors on another controller.
The Lego sensors appear to be I2C based which is an industry spec. Respectively, the Arduino coding allows for I2C support so no reason why the Lego sensors cannot be used with the mBot brain (Arduino based). See here for a tutorial on how the Lego I2C sensors are being used with Arduino boards:
Post back if you have any questions. We are new to mBot but are hardware engineers and very comfortable with the I2C / SPI and many other interfaces. Also there are assorted (more current) posts from users who are using I2C based widgets with the mBot controller so they are worth a quick review.