Laserbot not getting the expected results



When I run the tests for the laserbot it tries at the end to draw an “M”. See below for my results:

The lines do not connect. You can see in the middle of the M that something is wrong with it. We tried screwing the tiny screws of the gears and to the motors stronger, but that did not help.

Some lines are not printed. For example, at the bottom, a ruler should be printed. Only parts of it are printed. You can see that some more lines are stopping to be printed halfway. This is not consequent. Sometimes more lines are visible, sometimes less. We thought at first that it was the laser focus, but the paper we are using is 240 grams paper (quite thick) and the laser lines are visible at the bottom:

Some more examples of failed prints:

I am not sure what to do anymore. Can you give me some help?


Another Laserbot user here.It doesn’t seem to engrave good on paper,I get crap results on paper too.Did you try wood?I always get great results with it.


Hi veda88 & Bleky.

Please make sure the wires coming from the laser is plugged into the green high-power output interface properly.
You may loosen the screws on the green interface on Megapi, then insert the wires from laser to the green interface again (make sure the metal part inside the wires touch the metal part inside the green interface).


Hi @tec_support I think the problem isn’t in laser.The problem is in speed on which the test engraving is carried as it seems paper needs to be engraved slower.Do you maybe know on which speed (mm/s) the “M” test drawing is done?


Thanks for your help. I tried using wood and that works fine! Maybe I have been worrying about this for too long and should have just tried another material, so @Bleky, that worked!
@tec_support:I also checked the wires, I think I had them inserted and screwd correctly.

Now that I am just starting, is there some manual that tells me what the “Repetition”, “laser intensity”, “speed over pixels”, “travel speed”, “print speed”, “laser power”, “engraving time” and “pixel interval” menans in both cutting and engraving?


Hi veda88,

Good to hear it works on wood. Looks like the previous material you use may not very suitable for the Lasr.
As for the definition for the parameters, please see this link.
You need pull down the page and find these info:
