Infrared receiver problem


I test in mBlock v2.1.4,

The Infrared Receiver block is not working for downlaod as an Arduino Sketch.

ArduBlock is good for infrared receive block.

The Picture of mBlock screen


Hi @TouchClassroom,

I am not sure the problem you met. Is the program can’t be compiled?


The sketch compiling and downloading are all ok, after that I pressed the button of remoter, but the robot didn’t work.
Finally I find out there is no “ir.begin()” in the sketch.
Please check that, thanks!


Johnny, I got v2.1.4.0226, the function of IR receiver with Orion board are all good now!


There are many comments about the IR not functioning. My mBot with mCore is the same. Has anyone found a solution or has tech-support replied?
I am using mblock code taken from the makeblock supplied examples.
Is there possibly an option or setting required?


Hi Johnb,

Please paste your example program here.
If you run the mBlock program online, you need upgrade firmware for the mBot first to clear previous uploaded program.