Improvements to the Lab Site


Hi All,

I’m not aware of a topic regarding this. If I missed it, feel free to politely point it out to me.

The lab is ‘Ok’ as a showcase of what people have done. Though, its really no different than a ton of wiki’s out there.

What I’d really like to see since the ecosystem is growing, especially with the intro of Airblock, is a smarter site. These improvements should, in my opinion, include:

1.) Automatically populating a shopping cart on with a parts list for a particular showcase item.
2.) Allow registration of purchased makeblock parts and kits including automatic registration of all kits bought directly from Makeblock.
3.) Comparison of a selected showcase item and the inventory created in #2 highlighting missing parts.
3.a) Automatically add showcase item parts missing from inventory to a shopping cart on
4.) Suggestion of projects that may be built with parts existing in the inventory from #2.
5.) Achievements for building particularly interesting or difficult projects.
6.) The ability to link modified projects with the original projects to maintain a genealogy of projects
7.) The ability to post challenges for specific functionality along with rewards comprised, if desired, with the purchase of new kits and parts for the winner.
8.) Categories for browsing projects.

Some of these are easy, others are slightly more complex. None of them are ‘hard’. Its basically a recipe management system. I suppose one could even find an open source food recipe system and modify it.


I agree. Something like that would be a differentiator for Makeblock. There are plenty of other vendors of robot or stem kits. Some offer static tutorials for their kits. But I also picked Makeblock not only for their smart system (hardware, firmware and the software for mobile and PC), but also because they have this interactive web page. Strengthening this aspect would also improve their market position.


Thanks. The more people who chime in here, the more likely something like this might happen.


Wow, that’s a lot, thanks so much and forwarded to the product team.

Glad to hear, and wish to hear more from the maker community. May I ask you that if you are a hobbyist, parent or educator?


I’m a temporarily pre-retired individual. Yes I have, at the moment, too much time on my hands.

Really, its not a lot in my opinion. A couple of months of work if you don’t go with an iterative approach. In this case, given that the target audience is makers, I’d take the side-by-side iterative approach, dropping a release each week even if it breaks. Call it OpenLab - The Bleeding Edge Edition. :slight_smile:


If people do not comment here, this isn’t likely to happen. Let all know if this is important to you.


Hi there.

I’m Rishonsu, product manager from makeblock. I am very pleased to hear from you.

For Openlab, the optimization of the system is not much in the past period of time, mainly duo to a start-up companies, there are multiple sites and apps need maintenance, can not guarantee the resources in various projects, sincerely sorry for this. Some of our optimization some time ago are improving the smoothness while releasing project on openlab. Currently there is also an openlab-based mbot contest (, you are welcome to participate and get inside of it.

The next time, we will continue to openlab continuous optimization (combined with educational groups and competitions), but still can not determine a timetable, I hope you keep an eye, thank you very much.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. I understand the business challenges faced which is why I made sure to include business justification for the enhancements I proposed.

I make these suggestions due to my perception that this company is in the right place, at the right time, to create an enduring brand like that of Mattel, Hasbro, or Lego.


This is an awesome idea!
Being a relative novice at this sort of programming (at the age of 37!) the sort of resource described here would be a massive help.
