Hi All,
I’m not aware of a topic regarding this. If I missed it, feel free to politely point it out to me.
The lab is ‘Ok’ as a showcase of what people have done. Though, its really no different than a ton of wiki’s out there.
What I’d really like to see since the ecosystem is growing, especially with the intro of Airblock, is a smarter site. These improvements should, in my opinion, include:
1.) Automatically populating a shopping cart on makeblock.com with a parts list for a particular showcase item.
2.) Allow registration of purchased makeblock parts and kits including automatic registration of all kits bought directly from Makeblock.
3.) Comparison of a selected showcase item and the inventory created in #2 highlighting missing parts.
3.a) Automatically add showcase item parts missing from inventory to a shopping cart on makeblock.com
4.) Suggestion of projects that may be built with parts existing in the inventory from #2.
5.) Achievements for building particularly interesting or difficult projects.
6.) The ability to link modified projects with the original projects to maintain a genealogy of projects
7.) The ability to post challenges for specific functionality along with rewards comprised, if desired, with the purchase of new kits and parts for the winner.
8.) Categories for browsing projects.
Some of these are easy, others are slightly more complex. None of them are ‘hard’. Its basically a recipe management system. I suppose one could even find an open source food recipe system and modify it.