I need help uploading a program to mbot ranger


hi,i need help uploading my program to my mbot ranger



Can you provide the following information?

  1. Operating System
  2. Version of mBlock
  3. The version of the Arduino environment if you are not using mBlock

Generally speaking, you need to:

  1. Connect the mBot Ranger to your computer using the USB cable provided in the kit
  2. Set up the serial connection in either mBlock or the Arduino IDE
  3. Click the Upload to Arduino button or use the Arduino IDE controls to compile and upload

Please note that programs can only be uploaded to the mBot Ranger via USB cable because the WiFi and Bluetooth modules do not have access to the onboard avrdude programmer that is required to upload a program.


i use windows , i have version 5.0.0 mblock


in mBlock 5, choose mBot Ranger under device, then connect, disable test, there is an option “upload to device”


i tryed that and it did not work


Would you please take a video to show the issue?


how do i do that


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