Having received a LED Matrix 8x16 with my mBot, I’d like to also use it with my Me Base Shield V2.0. The Makeblock Library, however, does not include a library for the LED Matrix (see issue). By the way I don’t use Scratch but plain Ardunio IDE.
How to use LED Matrix with Base Shield / Me Uno / Me Orion
Same question. I use the me uno shield and try to activate the matrix. Connected with usb on a macbook. Connection is oke. Still cant wake up any led.
Is there an example connection that i can try.
Hi Ducatifool,
The mBlock program for the Arduino uno shield doesn’t support the ME LED Matrix. Currently, the mCore, Auriga, MegaPi boards support LED Matrix in mBlock program.
If you want to use Me LED Matrix with Arduino UNO board + Me Uno Shield, you may need program for it with Arduino software. But this is belong DIY application which we can only provide limited support. Anyway, here are some tips, you can try it:
- The color ID on the Me LED Matrix is blue, so you can connect the LED Matrix to the RJ25 Port which have blue color ID on the Me uno shield
- For program part, you may refer to the arduino example program base on Me Orion board in our Makeblock library. You can refer to the README file to modify the program.