How to get the correct version of Benbox and Firmware



I am trying to downloiad the benbox software for my xy plotter kit.

I have a UNO board, and i am running windows.

I do not have a LASER attachment.

I managed to get some version of the software, but nothing happens when i try to use the plotter.

At the moment it looks like this when i run benbox 3.7.99.

I have two questions.

  1. which is the most recent version of benbox, and where can i download it? (please give me a direct link.)

  2. how do i download and install the correct firmware to the plotter. It seems like i can copy it to the plotter with benbox, bit i don’t have any of the hex files, since they are not included with the download.

It would be very helpful if you could give me some pointers here, I just paid quite a lot of money for this hardware, and your software is a complete disaster.



The hex files get installed with the program, look in your Program Files (x86), Benbox, 3.7.99, ROMS folder.


In my opinion, To check the firmware, it is the best way to install the hex files with the related programs depends on the Windows version, if this process does not working, you may contact Canon Printer services to get a help.


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