How to get remote working with mbot


So I just built my mbot with Bluetooth/wifi. I cannot seem to get the remote to work. If I plug in the USB cable then the remote works, but obviously this is not ideal.


I use mBlock to program the remote control. It looks like this:
(speed should have a number > 100)
When you put this in a “forever” loop you can control all keys on the remote control.


You could look at an app I did for my book here. :slight_smile:


Hi. I have to look at it tonight, because I am on the wrong PC at the moment (at work, no mBlock) :wink: You might get an reply in 12 hours… hopefully.


Hi chuck…
The program worked perfect with my mBot. What I did:
I loaded your program to mBlock
I connected the mBot via USB
I upload the program to the mBot (edit - >arduiono mode -> upload to Arduino)
I disconnected the mBot
and then I could use my remotecontrol perfectly…:rofl:
You should discribe your problem a bit more detailed. What I do not have is any wifi connection to my mBot and I do not use bluetooth to upload to the mBot.
Good luck :smiley:


Turns out the brand new batteries I put it somehow leaked and were causing a short.
