How to add a new language file?(2.x)


Please select language: English
Lütfen dil seçin : Türkçe


1)Copy translation file(.po)
  • On windows

2)Edit lang_list.txt

  • Go alphabetical order
  • And type your langulage abbreviation(file_name) comma(,) language name For example tr,Türkçe and translation file name is tr.po
  • Save file.
    example Turkish translation file end of the text.


1)Çeviri dosyasını kopyala(.po)
  • Windows’ta
  1. lang_list.txt dosyasını düzenle
  • Alfabe sırasına git
  • Ve dil kısalmasını(dosya_adı) virgül(,) dil ismini yaz Örnek olarak
    tr,Türkçe ve çeviri dosya ismi tr.po
  • Dosyayı kaydet.

Türkçe çeviri dosyasını sağtıkla->farklı kaydet_right click ->save as.


Does not work on windows version 3.
“po” extention language files have been aggregated into an excel file.
Is there a new solution?


I have a new solution.

into C:\Program Files (x86)\mBlock\locale

1)set lang_list.txt last line your language for ex tr,Türkçe
2) in locale.xlsx file open excel and goto last colmn for ex O
first rowyour language abbreviation for ex tr
and the other rows your trasnlate.

I hope that helps.
Thank you for feedback.


I am trying to add a new language in mblock 5. Please can someone help me? Thanks


Hola, Me gustaría incluir el idioma un nuevo idioma nativo al software de mBlock 5. ¿Cómo puedo incluir un nuevo idioma por favor?.

Hello, I would like to add a new native language to the mBlock 5 software. How can I add a new language please?


Hey, @rpaucarc and @Rusbel_Omar, you can help mBlock translate their application on Crowdin, I believe.