How can I create ''Never Gonna Give You Up'' in MBLOCK buzzer?


its my homework thats why


Which part are you stuck with?


You can do it using other software based on mBlock 3 and RTTTL melodies

The software eBlock

The melody you need in RTTTL format

Never Go:d=4,o=6,b=125:g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, 8f.5, 8f.5, d#.5, g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, 8d#.5, 8d#.5, 8c#.5, c5, 8a#5, g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, c#5, 8d#5, 8c.5, a#5, g#5, 8g#5, 8d#5, 8c#5, 2c#5, g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, f5, 8f5, d#.5, g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, g#5, 8c#5, 8c#.5, c5, 8a#5, g#5, a#5, c#5, a#5, c#5, 8d#5, 8c.5, a#5, g#5, 8g#5, d#5, c#5

Sample Code



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