Help with the GUI


Good morning,
my name is yannic and I work at a fablab in germany. At the moment I develop a Workshop for kids to learn programming with mBlock. Therefor I do a presentation describing the GUI. Now to my problem: I have no idea how to call some parts of the GUI. Can anyone help me? I put screenshots underneath form the missing names.
Thank you beforehand


Hi Yannic,

Ich denke, wir sehen uns das Ganze mal über AnyDesk an. Schick mir doch eine PN mit Deiner Telefonnummer an Ich rufe Dich dann morgen, Dienstag am späten vormittag an.

Viele Grüße



Hi Thielect,

Please see the picture below


For the green and red icon, we call it as “go” and “stop” icon to run the program or stop the program.


Hi Yannic

You may find that downloading my book ‘mBot&Me - vol I’ from Makeblock may help.
It explains and demonstrates probably most of the things your kids need to know:

Sorry, its a free download but this is in Emnglish only - you can find it at: