Forum Makeblock


Hi Makeblock,

I’ve been on the forum for years and even though I indicated that I was distancing myself, the forum is currently and really, very badly on my side. I have great difficulty helping users. Can you fix the sluggishness as it is not usable.



“Oops - The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience. Detailed information about the error was logged, and an automatic notification generated. We’ll take a look at it”…

Yes, sluggish & often not loading at all over the last week in the UK too.

“Server Error while trying to load /latest.json?order=default Error code: 502 Bad Gateway”

…“Sorry, we couldn’t load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know”…

… The Extension Builder pages are still loading from at normal speed though.


Agree some really serious performance issues going on.


I’ve noticed the problems, too. The forum may have so many posts or so much activity that it’s starting to use up its memory. The subdomain “forum” ( runs on a separate memory system from the rest of the website ( works fine). Hopefully they upgrade their server and do whatever else needs to be done to get the forum running smoothly again. I’ll message them on a feedback page they have.

Thanks for your time,


For Info.:
In the last 24 hours or so, the Forum has been loading at the usual speeds - ssooo much better!


Yep! The forum should work now! I contacted mBlock and I believe they fixed it!


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