Failed Upload from Arduino IDE to Orion Board



This issue started when trying to upload a new version of the GCodeParser to the Orion Board. It compiles but fails to upload. The console box reports syncing issues. I’ve tried rudimentary steps like resetting the board at different times during the upload, unhooking everything besides the USB, making sure the buzzer is off, testing all possible USB ports. - The problem persists. Despite this, I can still send it gcode and see its startup through the Serial Monitor.

While looking up the issue, it looks like a missing Bootloader could be the issue. Is there a way to identify if this is the case?

Last time I successfully uploaded a sketch was December 2016
The board shows up as USB-SERIAL CH340 in the device manager.

Below is the verbose output for the compile and upload:

Any advice is appreciated!


Usually when I see that message it’s because I’ve selected the wrong board type or subtype. It looks like the compile worked OK but couldn’t upload to the board. I’ve also seen this if I select the wrong COM port but if you can use the serial monitor that’s less likely.


Interesting! I’ve been using the Arduino/Genuino Uno profile and also tested the Arduino Leonardo profile. I’ve also tried a different computer and previous versions of the IDE just in case. I suspect something went wrong with the board or the boot loader so I’m tempted to grab a new one.


Hi panomyopic,

You may refer to this document to test the Blink program.Test if the Arduino board is working or not with the Blink (635.0 KB)


Thanks, the Blink sketch produces the same issue.


It’s very odd (to me) that you can get serial communications working and run the board if there is something really wrong with either the bootloader or some hardware on the chip. Do you see the processor option on the tools menu? I’m not sure if you should or not, I’m at work right now so I can’t check. But if you do maybe try both options there too. Do you have another arduino board you can test with?

I’ve also had some annoyance a while back with the arduino changing ports as and when windows decides it wants to. I kinda clutching at straws here because something doesn’t add up (at least with my limited knowedge).


Yeah it’s been a strange and frustrating troubleshoot. I am able to upload to my older Arduino Uno and ESP8266 boards, no problem. I do not see a processor option in the tools menu. Below are the IDE’s settings (boards.txt) for the Arduino/Genuino Uno profile.

Are you running the most up-to-date software and libraries? I updated everything before trying to upload and wonder if something caused incompatibility.
