Extension for an Adafruit motor shield


Is there an extension available that will allow me to programme the Adafruit motor shield? (Image of shield)

Or is there some other way to do this using mBlock?


mBlock can program any arduino-based electronic modules, therefore theoretically you can use mBlock directly. Thanks


I know I can do it using c but can I do it using the Scratch interface? If so how do I tell it to active the motor via the shield? Sorry I can’t work it out.


Why not asking this question on adafruit forum? They should be more pro than us. Thanks


Hi, I am only asking here as the issue applies to the mBlock software - I can do this in the standard Arduino software but not using mBlock’s scratch-like interface.



I’ve created a simple extension for Motor Shield L293D (for now, just for DC Motors).
This topic is a long time, but I was in the same problem and I decided to share.



Sorry, the name is: AMZ Motor Shield L293D.