Is it possible to extend a Me BaseBoard to get the possibility to connect more sensor? Like a second shield or two Me BaseBoard together.
Thank you
Is it possible to extend a Me BaseBoard to get the possibility to connect more sensor? Like a second shield or two Me BaseBoard together.
Thank you
If you’re up for making your own RJ-25 cables, you have a lot more flexibility. For instance, I connected a 5th motor by using one of the analog outputs (PWM) and the motor power pins.
Mitch212- Can you give more details on adding a fifth motor? How did you make the cables and what is the code you used? Thanks
Here is an image of the cable connections using a servo driver:
The key is to make sure you are using an analog pin that supports PWM. The arduino leonardo (i.e. Baseboard) supports PWM on pin 3 and 5, which means you can use port 7 (A3) and port 8 (A5). As far as software, you simply use a MeServo as normal with the appropriate Baseboard port number and device number 1.
Driving a DC motor is a little different because you a 4th connection to control the motor direction. I haven’t needed to do that yet, but you just need to look at the schematics of the boards to see what connections are required.