Error at uploading Arduino code


Hello! I’m trying to upload a simple “blink” code to my Arduino Nano through the online version of mBlock IDE. I’m using Windows 10 and Google Chrome at it both lastest versions.


I’m able to connect the device to mBlock with COMX port, but the following error occurs at the upload of code:


start processing code......
processing code by middleware of pinMode
Arduino server connected.
Arduino compile...
avr-toolchain/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10809 -DARDUINO_AVR_NANO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I"/app/src/external/arduino/avr-library/variants/eightanaloginputs" -I"avr-library/cores/arduino" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/makeblock/src/utility/avr/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/utility/" -I"avr-library/libraries/Wire/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/EEPROM/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SPI/src/" -I"avr-library/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/WiFi/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SD/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Bridge/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Temboo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Servo/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/Ethernet/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/TFT/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/SpacebrewYun/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/LiquidCrystal/src/" -I"arduino-libraries/arduino/GSM/src/" "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.cpp" -o "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o"

 avr-toolchain/bin/avr-gcc -w -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -o "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/out.elf" "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/code.o" "/app/src/external/arduino/nano/libnano.a" -lm

avr-toolchain/bin/avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/out.elf" "/root/mblock-avr/temp/build/out.hex"

Arduino compile finish.
Arduino server disconnected.

processing code by middleware of arduino
processing code completed
get code upload driver by stk500v1

start uploading......

I also tried to upload the same “blink” example (see blocks above) to an Arduino Mega 2560 (I’ve changed the device in mBlock options), but the device automatically disconnects from the server.

To check hardware integrity of both Arduinos, I’ve tested in the Arduino IDE offline. It worked fine.

I’ve also tried the offline (downloadable) versions of mBlock 5 and mBlock 3 + mLink in it latest version, but got the same error (Arduino nano not uploading and Arduino Mega disconnecting).


The 2020-12-03 update in online mBlock IDE now allows to work in both MCU versions of Arduino Nano, as “Arduino Nano” and “Arduino Nano (old)”
