Error 3020, Upload Code Timeout with mBot



I found an mBot in my closet at school and decided to try and see if I could get it to run for my students. I viewed a couple of tutorials and tried to get something to run live, just blinking a light.

I set it to run when space bar pressed, but when I pressed the space bar, the code got a yellow highlight but nothing happened.

I then tried to upload the code, but got this error:
processing code completed
parse code upload by driver
start uploading…
Error: Sending 3020: receiveData timeout after 1000ms

This wasn’t too helpful, so I went to my Arduino IDE and when I tried to upload the code, it just hung at the “Uploading…”

A little more trouble shooting and here is what I have found:

*I can get the lights to flash and the tones to play on the mBot when I turn it on.
*I can see the lights flash and the tones play when I start the upload
*I can successfully upload a program to a different Arduino Uno board with the same port/cable from this computer via the Arduino IDE
*I can successfully upload a program to a different Arduino Uno board through mBlock (Running windows application)
*I have checked through the mBlock app that my mBot is up to date.
*I downloaded the MSI Installer and installed it on my laptop today.

Does this mean my mBot board is done for?



@mrr This probably means there is an issue with the code or the blocks used. What is your code? Did you make sure to NOT use any ‘when green flag clicked’ for your uploaded code?


Thanks for the reply. The code was:

when mbot starts up
turn all light with color red 60 green 0 blue 0

I used blocks, so the green flag is greyed out when in upload mode. Also, I was able to upload this code to a generic Arduino Uno from the MakeBlock IDE without error.



A little more testing…

*When I connect to the mBot (add it as a device) through the mBlock IDE, I get beeps and flashing lights.
*If I go to Settings to -> Update firmware through mBlock IDE, I get the same beeps and flashing lights when I start the update but…
*Quickly that turns to an error “The firmware failed. You can try to upload again”

I think my last ditch effort will be to burn the bootloader via Arduino IDE.



  • Make sure the mBot is charged
  • Try the online IDE
  • Ensure you connected to the correct port; you may have to check the ‘Show all devices’ box

Also, can you check what the version number on the board is (mCore X.X) and post it here?


No, @mrr, your mBot is not done for. Let’s discuss what the possibilites are. Since there is no bootloader flashing tool for the makeblock line of products, even though it shows in the Arduino IDE, have you:

  1. Charged the robot? (Sorry, typing this on Fire TV, since everything of mine is dead, so formatting will be weird) 2. Reinstalled/Updated the drivers/program? 3. Used a different USB-B cable or Bluetooth dongle? (Note: Only newer mCores come with the bluetooth adapter,) 4. Try the Arduino IDE to code the robot? If all else fails, i guess you could try the bootloader via the Arduino IDE, but I doubt it will work.


Thanks for the reply,

  1. Yes, will turn on via batteries or via the USB cable.
  2. Yes, on both robot and computer via MakeBlock website. Also tried the online IDE.
  3. Only one cable but used it to upload to another Arduino Board.
  4. Yes, via Arduino IDE can upload to another Arduino board, but not the Robot.

So, I think I am at the bootloader stage.



@mrr I know there have been outages of the mBot compiling server before, but it’s working fine for me.
I would contact support about the issue (in case it is a hardware problem):


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