Different digital and analog sensors on mbot


I have here a mBot Educational Robot Kit (STEM) and want to know which digital and analog sensors I have.
I notice only analog sensors like
Ultrasensor, line follower (maybe it is a digital), lightsensor, buzzer and rgb led.
Which ports do use the on board sensors.
As I can find the following information on board.
A0 a1 a2 a3 (-> I think these are analog connections) and on the other side 9 10 11 12 (-> I think these are the digital connections).
But whis sensor will use the digital numbers and how can I use it.
Kindly regards for any answer


Dear Customer,
Here is the details about the main board of mBot, please have a look.
Four color-labelled RJ25 connectors for easy wiring and expansion with more Arduino sensors.
Makeblock electronics was marked with different color.


Thanks a lot for your answer.
I now that there are more different sensor available.
But I want to know which digital sensor are already on board in the educational robot kit.
My opinion is the port 13 digital.
I find the following code:

#include <MeMCore.h>
void setup()

void loop()

So the led will show for one second and hide for one second.
But on the same port 13 I can use the rgb led which I think they are analog:

#include <MeMCore.h>

MeRGBLed led;

void setup()

void loop()

led.setColorAt(0, 0, 0, 255); //Set LED0 (RGBLED1) (RightSide) to Blue
led.setColorAt(1, 0, 0, 0); //Set LED1 (RGBLED2) (LeftSide)

led.setColorAt(0, 0, 0, 0); //Set LED0 (RGBLED1) (RightSide)
led.setColorAt(1, 0, 0, 255); //Set LED1 (RGBLED2) (LeftSide) to Blue

So maybe port 13 is analog and digital.
Is there a port in the educational robot kit which is only digital?
kindly regards for a further answer.


I think port 13 is only digital.
For Me RGB led, it uses digital not analog.


Thanks for your answer.
I thought when I can use the different rgb values it is analog.
Can you informe me which sensors are analog?
Kindly regards.


Hi haiflosse,
The sensors with black RJ25 port:


Thanks again for the answer.
Can you informe me where you get the information of the different colors.
May there exist a dokumentation.
Please send me a link.
Kindly regards


Sure, on our website-Orion introduction: http://learn.makeblock.com/en/makeblock-orion/


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