Debugging servo problem, jitters don’t work properly HELP ! Soon as possible


I’m not sure where this category goes on the forum.

I got an mbot
And I’m trying to put the robot dog together, but I’m having a problem with the servo
It’s not working properly
I hook it up and it doesn’t rotate
Instead it just shakes and doesn’t stop
I put in the code that the instructions says

How do I debug this servo and fix it so it can work properly?
Please respond soon


Hi Jenny,

Did you buy the mBot add_on pack? Which add-on pack do you have?
Regarding to the problem, first please make sure the servo is connected to the slot 1 on the me RJ25 adapter and the RJ25 adapter is connected to Port 1 on the mCore board.
Secondly, on mBlock 3 software, you need upgrade firmware before testing above program. Here please refer to the following steps have a try:

  1. Upgrade firmware for mBot by going to connect->Upgrade firmware (you need connect the seriao port first before upgrade firmware).
  2. Run the following program and see if the servo works
    According to your program, when you run it the first time, the servo will rotate to the angle 90 degree. When you run the program again, the angle is already on 90 degree and it won’t rotates.


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